How to Connect KStairway Domain Email to GMail

This only needs to do one-time for one device. After done, you will get a lot of information about order updates and customer messages.

1. Log in to your Gmail account.

2. In the top right corner, click the Settings cog icon.

3. A drop-down menu will appear. Select Settings.

4. Go to the Accounts tab.

5. Click Add a mail account in the Check mail from other accounts section.

6. Enter [email protected] domain email address. 

7. Click Next Step.

8. Enter the username of the account. The username is the full email address.

9. Enter the password of your email account.

  • Password: lr^eEc@izAIc

10 Enter the account POP server information.

  • POP Server: (NOT, the screenshot is wrong
  • Port: 995


11. Choose from the options:

  • Leave a copy of the retrieved message on the server
    Check this box if you are accessing your emails on another email client, or another device. If you deselect this option, the emails in your domain email account will be deleted, and you can only access them through Gmail.
  • Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail
    Check this box if you are using Secure SSL/TLS settings. Uncheck this box if you are using Non-SSL settings.
  • Label incoming messages
    Check this box if you have more than one account set up in Gmail. Doing this makes it easy to track the emails.
  • Archive incoming messages
    Leave this box unchecked if you don’t want all emails from your domain email account to be auto-archived.

12. Check that all your settings are correct and click Add Account.

13. After your domain email account is imported, you will be asked an option to be able to send mail to this address. Clicking Yes will let you compose email messages in Gmail but send them as the domain email account.

14. Enter your name and click Next Step.

15. Enter your SMTP Server information. Ensure that you enter the correct mail server name and the correct port number.
When using the Secure SSL/TLS settings, select Port 465 from the Port drop-down.
When using Non-SSL settings, select Port 25 from the Port drop-down.
Don’t check the box to use your domain email as an alias. Doing so will send all your emails using your Gmail address.

16. Enter your email address as your username and then your domain email account password. 

17. Check the Secured connection using the SSL option if you are using the Secure SSL/TLS settings.

  • SMTP Server:
  • Username: [email protected]
  • Password: lr^eEc@izAIc
  • Port: 465
  • Secure Connection using SSL

18. Click Add Account.

19. Enter the confirmation code that you should have received in your domain email account. (Please tell me, I will check the verification code for you

20. Click Verify.


After importing your domain email account to Gmail:

1. Go to Settings from the cog icon menu in your Gmail.

2. Go to the Accounts tab again. 

3. In the Send Mail As a section, click on the make default link next to the domain email address. Doing so results in sending every email via your domain email address by default.

KStairway Recurring Payment

Name Indonesian Rupiah United States Dollar South Korean Won One-Time
Hosting – Monthly Rp275,000 $19.02 ₩21,519  
Import/Export Plugin       $49.00
Booster Woocommerce- Monthly Rp129,980 $8.99 ₩10,171  
Advanced Form Intergration – Monthly Rp72,147 $4.99 ₩5,646  
Total Rp477,126/month $33.00/month ₩37,336/month  
  • Hosting = Basic needs for the website to run
  • Import/Export Plugin = Import and export shipping method
  • Booster Woocommerce = Essential Woocommerce plugin in one bundle
  • Advanced Form Integration = Integrate Forminator with Google Sheets
  • Min/Max Quantity = Allow Min/Max quantity until variations level


For Customer

Warehouse Service

  1. Go to Warehouse page
  2. If this is your first time using KStairway Warehouse Service, fill the One-Time Registration Form to get your Codename and Google Sheets Link. If you already have those, please skip this section. (Use the given codename as the name of your package if you want to send something to our warehouse)
  3. After filling the One-Time Registration Form, KStairway admin will contact you from Private Message like this
  4. You can start send the item using the given codename or you can ask KStairway’s help to buy something with Assisted Purchase Service.
  5. Track your item(s) status in the given Google Sheets Link. Here is the example.
  6. If you want to send the items to your destination address, fill the Consolidation Form
  7. You can make a special request there, for example you want certain package to be sent instead of random. But this will cost you another additional fee.
  8. After filling the Consolidation Form, we will send you the box bill via Private Message
  9. After filling the Consolidation Form, check your Private Message to see your Box Bill. Here is the example,
  10. Go to Payment Form to Pay with PayPal, Bank Transfer or Western Union
  11. After finish the payment, wait until we send you the tracking number via Private Message or you can check the real-time status in the given spreadsheet link


    Congratulations! That’s it. Now you understand how to use KStairway warehouse. If you still need help, don’t hesitate to contact us via the Live Chat widget on the bottom right of your screen.

Assisted Purchase


Store Tutorial
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Bunjang Service
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Shopee Delivery
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KStairway Partner
Accordion Content

For Admin

Upload Product

  1. Go to Dashboard (read the tutorial above about how to access the dashboard)
  2. My Products > Add New
  3. Add Product Title
  4. Add Product Description
  5. Choose Product Categories, if there’s no category yet “Add new category”
  6. Choose “Simple Product” IF THE PRODUCT has no variations (Example: BTS Hat)
  7. Choose “Variable Product” IF THE PRODUCT has variations (Example: T-Shirt size S,M,L or Shoes with Size or Photocards with different model)
  8. Put Product Price
  9. Put Sale or Discount Price if there’s any
  10. In Shipping Tab, Input WEIGHT and DIMENSIONS. This is important, if you leave this field empty, the system can’t automatically calculate the Shipping Fee
  11. Insert Product Tags
  12. Upload Product Image, only one picture can be uploaded here. This is the main picture.
  13. Upload Product Gallery, you can upload many picture here.
  14. Click Save

Make Discount

  1. Go to Dashboard (read the tutorial above about how to access the dashboard)
  2. In the sidemenu, find WooCommerce and Click Coupons.
  3. Add Coupons
  4. Enter Coupons Code, click Generate Coupons Code
  5. Choose Discount Type
  6. Enter Coupons Amount
  7. Enter Coupons Expiry Date
  8. Enter other details in Usage Restriction and Usage Limits
  9. Save
  10. Next time you promote something in Social Media, just tell your viewers to put the coupon code when check out

Coming Soon
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Coming Soon
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